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Parameters of magnetizer

Time:2017/7/20 9:42:39

1. high current magnetization: low impedance design. The magnetizing current is above 15KA, and the maximum instantaneous discharge current can reach 30KA.. In 10ms, the magnetic field with extremely high intensity is produced in time.
2., the instantaneous magnetic field strength is high; the coil produces 30000 Oe (Oster) above the magnetic field in the instant; for the high coercive force magnet such as NdFeB, the magnetizing effect is better. With an inner magnetic filling table, the effective magnetization zone diameter can reach 120mm, and the height can be up to 160mm.
3. power capacitor: maximum capacity of 5000uF, instantaneous discharge current of 10000A, can effectively prevent multiple capacitors parallel discharge caused by unequal problems. Increase the total amount of effective discharge of capacitor and increase the service life of capacitor.
4. diode: diode can increase magnetization effect, prolong the service life of the whole machine.
5., magnetizing speed is the fastest: to 0.3-0.6 seconds, is the fastest speed of the modern magnetizer. Increase work efficiency by 2-3 times.
6. high precision repeatability, voltage control mode, sprint voltage constant, repeated step-up error is less than + 5V. Ensure consistency of magnetizing effects.
Double charge 7. machine online at the same time: independent fast magnetization: can respectively in two production lines and even upper floors, can also be a magnetic charge, another charge or a magnetic charge is magnetic, a charge side magnet; the top two Taiwan magnetizing machine for real.
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