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Horn magnetizing machine

Time:2017/7/19 14:39:43

1 、 this machine adopts the newest digital sampling and pulse control circuit;
2, the use of non-polar power capacitor storage energy, to ensure stable performance and service life of the whole machine;
3, the use of the latest energy transfer and thermal absorption circuit, charge head small heat consumption, without water cooling (24 hours of work is not overheated);
4. The magnetizing voltage can be adjusted accurately. The charging is not up to the set voltage, the control is invalid, and the automatic tracking protection function is adopted. The protection device has over-current, overvoltage, overheating, delayed start and delay shutdown;
5, no wearing parts, reliable and durable, 24 hours of continuous work, the whole machine is not overheated;
6, mainly used for speakers (speakers), DC motors, rubber magnets, toys and other magnet materials magnetization (ferrite, aluminum, iron, boron, magnetic steel), can be widely used in assembly line operations;
7, the following main technical parameters are for reference only, specific output voltage, current, capacitance capacity, charging table can be configured according to customer requirements.
Understanding the characteristics of horn magnetizing machine is beneficial to more assembly line work.
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