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Dispensing machines in several categories

Time:2017/8/11 9:39:35

According to the control in two ways: pneumatic pulse control and mechanical control, pneumatic dispensing machine the most common pulse control, with a needle cylinder is basically pneumatic pulse, mechanical for high precision or have special requirements, such as quick drying glue, glue, the mechanical the common way for rubber extrusion type, namely through the servo motor control of the stroke volume of the plastic screw.
From the use of it is divided into: manual, semi-automatic, automatic dispensing machine.
1. manual dispensing: artificial manual glue dispensing in electronic products, the process is simple, low cost, disadvantage is the waste of labor, slow speed, low precision, low efficiency, dispensing when required, manual operation is not complete.
2., automatic dispensing: that is, through the automatic dispensing machine, through the pressure in the set time, the liquid launched. By the instrument control each dispensing time, to ensure that the amount of dispensing each time. Just adjust the pressure, time and choose the appropriate needle mouth, you can easily change the amount of dispensing every time. The technology content is high, can meet a variety of complex dispensing technology, has the advantages of high efficiency, simple operation, a higher consistency with the current advantages, rising labor costs and precision electronic for dispensing quality requirements continue to increase, more and more enterprises begin to adopt the automatic dispensing operation.
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