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Magnetizer becomes an important equipment in Library

Time:2017/7/14 10:20:28

Magnetizing machine, as its name suggests, is to make the relevant products with magnetic, so as to ensure that they will not be lost. Maybe people don't pay attention to the magnetizer in life, so they think the magnetizer is far away from us. However, the magnetizer is very close to our life, and even some people need to deal with the magnetizer every day.
A library is a place where magnetizing machines are used more frequently. I'm sure many people know the process of borrowing books in a library, but people don't know what librarians do when they return the books. When borrowing books, people need to take the books to the registration desk for credit card registration, and then the librarian will remove the book's magnetism so that people can bring out the books smoothly. If the magnetism is not eliminated, the detection device at the entrance of the door will tweet, which will directly make people know that the books have not been erased and the books have been lost.
In the book after reading it, when people returned to the library, the librarian must use on the magnetic magnetizing machine of books on the bar code, ensure the books in the magnetic state, it can reduce the probability of loss, ensure the books safely stay in the library.
Therefore, the library has become an important place for the current use of magnetizer.
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