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How to use magnetizer properly?

Time:2017/7/11 10:03:06

First of all, it should be noted that in the magnetizing machine room, it is necessary to prepare the water cooling machine. Ensure that under these conditions, first put on the magnetizing machine operation table, and at the same time, switch on the water cooling machine power supply. However, attention should be paid to safety, attention should be paid to the power supply, there can be no oversight, to prevent leakage.
Next, turn on the water pump of the water cooler and the magnetizer, wait for 15 or 30 seconds to run, make sure everything is OK, then turn on the main power of the magnetizer. After the general magnetizer runs for a period of time, the reset of the display will show normal, and only the reset key shows normal before it can be used normally.
It should be noted that it is important to check whether the cylinders on the operating platform of the magnetizer operate properly. Properly adjust the magnetizing machine several times, and make sure that there is no problem, so that the operation of the magnetizer can be produced reliably. If problems occur during the use of the magnetizer, immediately stop using it and then ask the professionals to repair it.
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